DCMP-Registers was established in 2003 as an independent organization to register chiropractic therapists professionaly educated in Japan. Eligibility for registration requires successful completion of the 1800 hrs educational program that meets the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines and the passing of the JHSA-DCMP registration test.
PCOM D.C.M.P. Registersは認定カイロプラクティック師を登録する独立組織です。登録対象者はPCOM主催オステオパシー本科を卒業し、継続教育としてカイロプラクティック科に進んでいただき、認定試験(実技・学科)に合格されたD.C.M.P.保持者です。
※D.O.M.T.P. / Diplomate in Osteopathic Manipulative Theory & Practice
※BCSc. / Bachelor of Chiropractic Science
※D.O.M.P. / Diplomate in Osteopathic Manipulative Practice (Japan)
※C.C.P. / Certified Chiropractic Practitioner